
ASET Order Form
American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists,Inc.
6501 East Commerce Ave, Ste. 120, Kansas City, MO 64120 USA
Phone: 816-931-1120 Fax: 816-931-1145 email -

Printable Order Form

Title/Item Member
QTY Subtotal
Nerve Conduction Studies from
A to Z
by Barbara O. Crout and Bill Flicek



Ordering Options:
  • Fax completed order form with credit card # to (816)-931-1145
  • Mail completed form with payment to:
    ASET, 6501 East Commerce Ave, Ste. 120, Kansas City, MO 64120 USA
  • Phone: 816-931-1120   Fax: 816-931-1145 email -
Order Total $
Shipping & Handling 
U.S. orders add $5.00 for the first item and $1.00 for each additional item. 
(not including free items) 
Call for shipping rates on Canadian and International orders.
TOTAL (Prepayment Required) $
Payment Method All orders must be prepaid

[  ] Check or money order enclosed. Make payable to ASET. 
(Must be payable in U.S. dollars) 
[  ] Charge to: [  ] VISA [  ] MasterCard [  ] Discover
Account # _____________________________ Expiration date _________________________
Signature ______________________________

Price category used:
[  ]
ASET ID No. _______________

This form may be photocopied for multiple orders

Please deliver to: 
Name ________________________________ 

Title _________________________________ 

Company _____________________________ 

Address ______________________________ 


City ______________ State ___ Zip _______ 

Daytime Phone ________________________ 

Fax _________________________________ 
DELIVERY:  Most orders are shipped standard UPS. For faster shipping, call
(816)-931-1120 for rates.